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Supervision Integrations

  • There are 3 integrations, these are: LPA, LPA codes and Digideps.
  • The infrastructure is in terraform, it is an api gateway (written in terraform) in front of lambdas.

Supervision testing an integration


Set up

  • Pull `opg-data-deputy-reporting` repo
  • Deploy your sirius branch to dev
  • What we are doing is using the pip (package manager) to locally install the dependencies this environment would need to run. They are generated as a Zip file which we then upload to AWS via terraform (using the command line).
  • Amend variables within this repo to run on the dev environment (see picture below)
  • ![opgdatadeputyreporting](../../../images/opgdatadeputyreporting.png)
  • When running terraform run `avi terraform init` to pull in modules.
  • **Note: Here avi is my alias for the aws vault identity**
  • Run the terraform plan (`avi terraform plan`) to see what will change, This will generate a lot of command line data, check the domain_name has changed(see image below).
  • ![opgdatadeputyimage2](../../../images/opgdatadeputyimage2.png)
  • Check the environment you are on using ` env | grep TF`
  • Apply the plan to infrastructure using avi terraform apply

Using postman with this integration

  • Make sure you have created credentials using aws. You can do this using: `aws-vault exec identity – aws sts assume-role –role-arn arn:aws:iam::288342028542:role/operator –role-session-name postman`
  • This will give you the `AccessKeyId`, `SecretAcccessKey` and `SessionToken` which need to be added into postman
  • To do this click the “…” on the side of `opg-data-deputy-reporting` in postman and save here
  • Amend the URL to remove “{{url}}” to be the dev environment you have deployed, e.g. `sw-5466`
  • You will need to do the `Login` route before the other post routes will work <\li>
This page was last reviewed on 20 January 2022. It needs to be reviewed again on 27 October 2022 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop .
This page was set to be reviewed before 27 October 2022 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop. This might mean the content is out of date.