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Sirius Overview


Sirius is made up of a variety of services backed by a series of AWS tools. These are shown below.

Sirius architecture

It is worth noting that we are moving from a model of fat Javascript single page apps to smaller server-rendered micro-frontends.

At the moment these are proxied via the PHP Frontend, but over time these will move to own their own CSRF and sessions.

Data flows

Sirius sits as a hub which data flows to and from for various other services.

This diagram gives a high level overview of that.

Sirius Data Flows


The code that makes up Sirius is split across multiple repositories, and it also depends on some shared OPG services.

The various repositories can be found by searching for opg-sirius- in GitHub, though some of the most important are:

  • opg-sirius — Originally the monorepo for all Sirius code, this still contains the PHP API and its database, and the deprecated Angular-based frontends
  • opg-sirius-infrastructure — The Terraform code for deploying Sirius. This pulls images built in other repositories.
  • opg-sirius-end-to-end-tests — The end-to-end tests, written in Cypress, that cover journeys between various Sirius frontends. These are run on every build and deployment of opg-sirius.
  • opg-sirius-user-management — The Go frontend for user management and admin interfaces, including managing users and teams.
  • opg-search-service — A wrapper for OpenSearch that manages the indexes, populates data and provides a HTTP API to search for people and firms.
  • opg-sirius-prototypes — Prototypes of Sirius functionality made with the GOV.UK Prototype Kit, now mainly used by Supervision

Power of Attorney Services

  • opg-sirius-lpa-frontend — The Go frontend for most LPA functionality, including the forms embedded in the old AngularJS UI
  • opg-sirius-lpa-dashboard — The Go frontend for the LPA dashboard, showing users their assigned cases and tasks and allowing managers to see their teams’ work

Architectural Decisions

Read our Architectural Decision Records

This page was last reviewed on 14 January 2021. It needs to be reviewed again on 11 March 2021 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop .
This page was set to be reviewed before 11 March 2021 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop. This might mean the content is out of date.