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Legacy Angular App - Package Updates

NOTE: This advice relates to the legacy Angular frontend, which we are deprecating and is included for reference purposes until that work is complete.

Supervision frontend packages are managed by Yarn

Note: Don’t run npm updates. They will appear to apply as they use the same package.json but the application isn’t set up for them

Depending on which part of the application you are updating you will need to use a different docker-compose definition

  • Supervision: yarn-supervision
  • UI Tests: yarn-protractor-e2e
  • UI Tests Updated: yarn-protractor-e2e-updated

Supervision Angular and Ngrx Updates

Angular is capable of applying code migrations as it updates, but to do so must be updated using the ng command


docker-compose run --rm yarn-supervision ng update @angular/core@12 @angular/cli@12 @ngrx/store@12

Note: you are likely to need to add the --force option to overcome warnings

Finding why a package is required

why can be used to find what is using a dependency.


docker-compose run --rm yarn-supervision why tar

The # separator is used between packages name splits and their dependencies. So in the example below @angular\cli depends on pacote which depends on tar version 6.1.0 but it’s not instantly obvious at a glance

yarn why output

Updating a package or it’s dependencies

Updating a package is done by targeting an update of the top level package. If you are updating the version specified in the package.json use add


docker-compose run --rm yarn-supervision add @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome@0.9

If you want to update but keep the existing restrictions, or are already at the latest version and just want to update it’s dependencies use upgrade


docker-compose run --rm yarn-supervision upgrade node-sass

Removing a package

If you want to remove a package that is no longer in use or being replaced use remove


docker-compose run --rm yarn-supervision remove mydatepicker

Fixing security vulnerabilities

Often when resolving package based security vulnerabilities, the out of date package will be several dependencies deep. In this case you need to identify the top level package (the one listed in the package.json) that must be updated in order to update the dependency

First run why

Why output with highlighting

There will often be multiple versions in use so look for the specific version with the vulnerability (usually the oldest one)

Then find the top level package or packages that are using it

If they are not at the current latest version it is worth trying to update them first, but if this is not simple then run an upgrade on all necessary packages and run a build to make sure Supervision still compiles

If the package is related to features that are only used by developers (such as hot reloading changes) then run those locally as well, anything else should be tested in CI

This page was last reviewed on 24 March 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 24 September 2023 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop .
This page was set to be reviewed before 24 September 2023 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop. This might mean the content is out of date.