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Deploying test environments

After developing a feature and getting it peer reviewed, you may need to create a temporary environment so that it can be tested, either by Product Managers or real users.


Run the Create Development Environment job in Jenkins.

Enter your ticket number from Jira in the format ABC-123: this will be used to determine the test environment’s URL. Specify how long you want the environment to last for, it will be automatically deleted after this expires.

You can then enter the tags of each repository that you want to deploy. These can generally be found by looking at the tag that your commit was given by its CI process, though in the case of “Sirius Infra” you need to enter the name of the branch. If you leave any fields blank, Jenkins will use the latest tag on their main branch.

Finally, select at the bottom which stages you want to happen during the deployment process. If you are unsure, just leave all selected. This will take longer, but ensure that the data is all set up correctly.


The job will now deploy a full copy of the Sirius infrastructure using the tags you specified, which takes about half an hour. It will also seed the environment with the same test data you would get locally.

When the process is complete, the description of the job will tell you the URL of your test environment. If the Jira ticket number you entered was ABC-123, it will be

Log into your test environment from within the VPN. It will be automatically deleted after the number of hours you specified during configuration.

This page was last reviewed on 18 May 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 10 August 2023 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop .
This page was set to be reviewed before 10 August 2023 by the page owner #opg-sirius-develop. This might mean the content is out of date.